A candidate for membership shall attend (2) two club meetings or a meeting and a project to understand the nature of membership expectations.
An applicant of membership in EPWC shall be sponsored by at least 1 member who knows & recommends the applicant.
After (2) meetings or participation in a club project and one club meeting, she may submit a completed membership application to the Club along with a $10.00 nonrefundable application fee.
Each member shall acknowledge receipt & compliance with the club bylaws.
An applicant who has paid dues and agrees to abide by the requirements for membership and subscribe to the conditions of the by-laws shall then be considered a member of the Club.
Once accepted as a member of the Club, member must submit membership dues as follows:
If accepted as a member between January 1 and August 31, member must pay 100% of dues.
If accepted as a member between September 1 and December 31, member must pay 50% of dues.
All members except for Associate will be registered with the GFWC and the FFWC.
All members shall receive a membership directory.
All members shall receive regular communication.
All members except Associate shall receive the National and State Woman’s Club magazines.
All members shall be listed in, and receive, a Yearbook.